Navigating The EAH website

Purpose: Every EAH member should feel comfortable using the EAH website.

Why: Because everything you need to know is found at

This guide will help you become familiar with and comfortable using the website.

Logging into the Website: Go to this link to login –

If you do not have a password, hit ‘Request Password’ and an encrypted password will be sent to your email. The encrypted password you are assigned you will want to change to a password you can easily remember. Once you login, you will be on the page that lists your profile, your information. On the ‘About’ tab, scroll to the bottom. You will see the word ‘Password’. Below it in light blue is the word ‘Change’. Tap on ‘Change’ and a box will open. Enter your new password and tap the blue box at the bottom, ‘Save and Continue’. You must hit ‘Save and Continue’ for your new password to be saved for future logins.

Please review all the information on your Profile. There are four (4) tabs at the top of the screen when you login. They are ‘About’, ‘Profile’ ‘Additional’, ‘Deal’ and ‘Sign Out’. Please review your personal information, especially on the ‘About’ and ‘Profile’ tabs. Please update your personal information or reach out to Martin Kaplan or Steve Winter for help. Make sure your phone number and email contact information are properly entered. You must make sure to hit ‘Save & Continue’ (at the bottom) for each area to save your information.

When you are on the website, scroll down to see the current calendar for Man of The Morning. For information about the current week’s presentation, tap on the member’s name.

Next create ‘easy access’ to the website on all your electronic devices. Add a bookmark or link to the EAH website on the ‘Home’ screen on all your devices. How to do this? Ask your techie children, techie grandchildren, Steve or Martin.

The drop down shows the content of the website.

Home – tap on ‘Home’ takes you back to the home page
▪ Origin – the story about the founding of the EAH.
▪ Bylaws – the bylaws of the EAH
▪ EAH Talk – a presentation Club Secretary Addison McElroy made as Man of The Morning. A very interesting read about Club history and traditions.
▪ Guest Information – information for speakers or guests about what to expect when they visit and directions to the club
▪ Members – a list of all members in alphabetical order of the business or member’s first name.
▪ Meetings – a list of the ‘Man of The Morning’ meetings for 2019
▪ Officers – a list of Officers, Directors and Membership and Internship committee members
▪ Scholarship Fund – Information about the Scholarship Fund and how to make a donation

Searching Members: To see details about a fellow member, you must be Logged into the website. Search any member by first OR last name OR business name or description. Need a roofer? When you have found the business or member, click on the business card and the member’s profile appears. We only show a limited amount of information to the public. If you go to a member’s business card and click on it, it will only show two tabs, ‘Close’ and ‘About’. If you are logged in, there is a third tab ‘EAH’ that allows you to see the detailed member’s profile with phone numbers, email address, etc.

Logging Off: When you are logged on to the EAH website, to log off tap the ‘Login’ link at the top right of the navigation. This takes you back to your profile and login screen. Scroll to the bottom gray box at the top of the screen and tap ‘Sign Out’.

EAH members have had issues getting email addresses.

First, you must log in!

A visitor’s email address can be flagged as spam if:
A member flags the email received from the directory as spam.
When you send an email through the directory without being signed in as a member, a confirmation email is sent to the email address you provided and you must click on the link in the email before the email is delivered to the member. If you do not click on the link within 48 hours, our system will automatically flag your email as spam as well.

Note – if the member is logged in they do not have to go through the confirmation email process so it’s best to recommend that the member log in before sending a message through the directory.

If this is a member who is trying to send a message, you can recommend that the member login to their account before sending messages.

If you see anything in this information that is not clear or needs to be corrected please contact me.

Martin Kaplan 713-203-3831